Friday, 19 November 2010

Future of the poster

Yesterday I went to the discussion about "Future of the poster" in Goethe Institute. The event was organized by Filip Blažek who is a redactor of Typo magazine and he invited graphic designer Jan Solpera, Robert V. Novák, Petr Bosák and Robert Jans. All five discussed what actually poster is, how big it should be, if there is something as decorative poster etc. I really like the different ideas of graphic designers from two generations. But one opinion was same for all of them: the poster is disappearing from the streets and in next few years will lose forever.

posters by Jan Solepra and Robert V. Novák

1 comment:

  1. tyyjoo, to zni hrozne zajimave. btw moje nejlepsi kamaradka chodi s Petrem...:) Az nekdy pujdes na nejake takove akcicky, tak dej vedet. Pridam se.
