Monday, 21 March 2011

The 39 steps

The 39 steps is a horor comedy originally from Alfred Hitchcock performed by Slovacke divadlo. In the play are only 4 actors but much more roles to play. Therefore they are changing costumes right on the stage but in the way that audience don't realize it.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Czech Grand Design 2010

Today I went to exhibition "Czech Grand Design 2010". Many of the works I have already known from their presentations at Design Blok 2010. I enjoyed all of the categories which were shown - the most fashion and graphic design. Najbrt studio which was presented in graphic design section won the 3. place this year and truly, I think they works are amazing. This year they won the best film poster for "Kuky se vrací". This movie in all categories (dubbing, art side of puppets, poster) in my opinion was done in very playful way which successfully differ it from classic presentation of movies.

photos from DesignMag.

Saturday, 12 March 2011


Today I went to the event called Recyklator which presents young designer creating different products such as diaries, accessories, bags or toys from recycle materials. Part which I liked the most where the toys which very amazing.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Notebook research

I did small research about different notebooks as I am planning to do as my marketing materials for professional communication a travel diary. The design with handmade touch should connect photos from my travels and illustrations.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Don't fall

Even you are feeling you will fall the chair won't let you (Design museum - London).

Tate Modern

Unfortunately I got a chance to see only one floor of Tate because of fire alarm which seems to be very popular in Britain.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Final project

Culture centre by Jiřičná

I have already written about Culture centre by Eva Jiřičná in Zlín. Finally I got a chance to visit this place and take some pictures. I was amazed by the usage of colors and information system.

Saturday, 5 March 2011


My friend's teacher or better tutor had a birthday this Tuesday. With other students they have decided to buy her bouquet containing 65 tulips and to make this gift as a real surprise she asked me to deliver her this present to atelier where she is working. Because she doesn't know me she believed that I am a courier and she was so nicely surprised and shocked. The bouquet was so huge that I had to hold it by both hands. My friend send me picture of how the tulips looked now when they are opened and I just had to share it.

Up End Down

La Putika is a new circus and theatre together performing incredible plays. The one I got a chance to see this Thursday, called "Up End Down." I am not able to write how amazed I was watching this performance. Even the sitting was very uncomfortable I was watching what is happening on the stage with opened mouth and was imagining how nice would it be to be able perform like that also. Again I also enjoyed a lot the costumes which were in my opinion even harder to make because of all the movement acrobats do. I am exciting to see another play form La Putika again however when I was watching their websites I realized that all performance which are planed for next months are totally sold out.

Cikáni jdou do nebe

I was not posting here for a while because of reparation of my mac. During the last month I experienced a lot which I would like to share here.

The first is another performance by Slovacké divadlo called "Cikáni jsou do nebe." The play I wrote here before, I enjoyed thanks to costumes and design of stage but this performance had so powerful story which got to the shadow all these parts even they were very nicely created. This very rich performance contained beautiful, details costumes, lot of dancing, singing, emotions and what I like a lot about was something new, which I have never experience in theatre. The main actress was smoking pipe which has a flavour and every time she used it, audience could not only see and hear the play but also smell it.