Monday, 14 February 2011

Black Swan

Other movie was from opossite side. The Black Swan about which a lot was written, lot of people thinking to see because all of them are interested how it is going to be. I actually wanted to see it because I am a big fan of balet. And at the end? I am not sure if I would like to see it again because of some scenes during which I was covering my eyes but the idea and performance of actros where amazing. I admire specially the idea of the Nina´s passion for dance and being perfect which drives her to death.


After little depresive Play exhibition we went to Walt Disney movie "Tangled". These days lot of fairytales are made both for children and adults. Therefore going to Tangled I was not missing any child having with me to enjoy the movie as I did at Play. All parts of the story were made very nicely to fit to each other. I realise how the fairytales are getting different from those I was watching when I was a child. Not only by methods of realisation but also by scenes which sometimes appear as they are from some american thriller.


Almost all weekend I spent in cinemas, bookstores and on exhibition. The first stop was the Play exhibition at Manes from Petr Nikl and other 40 czech and international designers. I supposed it is very nice idea for parents coming here with children but as I come there with an adult instead of child I didn´t enjoy it as I though. All the noise, running children, parents screaming their names because they were gettiong lost ... I guess I am not child anymore.

Pictures taken from

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Les fleurs bleues

"Les fleurs bleues" from French experimental writter Raymond Queneau presents another basis for stage play of Slovacké divadlo. I have to admit that understanding to story was pretty difficult as it is an experimentl drama which changing reality and dream so you don´t know what is real at the end. I think half of the audiance was thinking that it is the most stupied play they have seen while others tought the story and all art expretion was amazing.

The most amazing part for me were the costume. All was done in the most simple way, almost in geometrical shapes. The most amazing shape was worn by two actres playing hourses. Have you ever think about person dressing as hourse but only with use of real clothes?

Unfortunatly this is the only picture of the horse costume. Doesn´t look so fabulous here, but it was great on the stage.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Interesting cafes I have found searching on the internet.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

train cafe

This is an image of one cafe from London which was designed into an old train. This is an idea for interesting cafe interior which I would like to present in the magazine for FP.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

another searching for illustrations

These illustrations were made by Lizzy Stewart. I like the idea of naked girl and boy which you can dress. On her flickr page, she has a lot of images as the last is - whit dates and herself dressed in different outfits. It is pretty nice idea to draw what you wore one day.